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HomeFocusFundsDIGITbrain: the call for innovative manufacturing

DIGITbrain: the call for innovative manufacturing

H2020 DIGITbrain project, funded by EC, includes Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP) under two Open Calls. DIGITbrain has the ambition to transform the CloudiFacturing Solution and ecosystem towards the requirements of Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS), utilising the Digital Brain and its underlying technology components as the main innovation of the project.

This Open Call is focused on attracting Third Parties (especially manufacturing and ISV SMEs and mid-caps) to perform experiments to validate the DIGITbrain solution and to make SMEs more competitive by transferring innovative solutions into the wider manufacturing community. Experiments will be implemented in close collaboration with Digital Innovation Hubs and technical partners of Competence Centers. This interaction should start during proposal preparation, with DIHs and technical partners of competence centers acting as business and technical supporters for applicants. This collaboration will then continue during the experiments’ deployment and execution.

Project full name: Digital twins bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs, by empowering a network of DIHs with an integrated digital platform that enables Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS)

Key calls details

Project acronym: DIGITbrain

Call identifier: DIGITbrain – OC2

Call opening: 28th February 2022, 10:00h (CET Time)

Submission Deadline: 31st May 2022, 17:00h (CEST Time)

Expected duration of participation in experiments: 12 months

Total EC funding available for Third Parties in DIGITbrain-OC2: up to 684.600 EUR financial support for Third Parties is available to support 7 experiments. DIGITbrain considers that proposals requesting a contribution up to 97,800 EUR per experiment would allow the specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Maximum amount of financial support for each Third Party: 60,000 EUR

Language in which proposal should be submitted: English

Expectations for experiments

Grounding on the Digital Twin concept, experiments will be focused on enabling the customization of Industrial Products (intended as systems operated by manufacturing companies to support the production of the final consumer products) and facilitating costeffective distributed and localised production for manufacturing SMEs or mid-caps, by leveraging edge, cloud and HPC-based modelling, simulation, optimisation, analysis, and machine learning tools. Experiments can cover any segments in the manufacturing sector at large, including (but not limited to) discrete manufacturing, continuous production, or

Experiments should aim at covering the development and uptake of digital technologies especially in segments where these are underexploited.

Experiment Consortia

An experiment consortium has to meet the following requirements:
1. The minimum number of partners in an experiment consortium must include:
– One End User (mainly SMEs); and
– One Technical partner acting as Independent Software Vendor (ISV),
engineering or software consultant.
2. All Third Parties must come from European Member States, Associated Countries or
the United Kingdom.
3. According to the EC rules, no Third Party is allowed to have received more than 100,000
EUR from Horizon 2020 I4MS and SAE Open Calls.

To participate, ask for more information or specific advice from the Malta Business Agency team by filling out the form below.


This article provides general information only and does not replace professional advice in any way. It is recommended to consult a qualified professional before making any important decisions regarding financial, legal or other matters. The author and the publication are not responsible for any errors or damages caused by the use of the information contained in this article.

Caterina Passariello
Caterina Passariello
President of the Canadian Chamber in Italy, a no-profit association that aims to stenght the relationships between Canadian and Italian companies and professionals. Head of the Mediterranean Academy of Culture, Tourism and Trade Institute of Malta. Business consultant and project manager with specialization in the internationalization processes of companies. Master Degree in Management Engineering, with a Thesis about how supply-chain tracking changes with Blockchain, with particular attention to Agri-Food Supply-Chain. Interested about internationalisation, blockchain, dlt, smart contract.
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