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HomeFocusFundsNGI: 2nd call launched for ONTOCHAIN project

NGI: 2nd call launched for ONTOCHAIN project

From the current Internet standpoint, the way knowledge is generated, curated, shared and stored raises critical concerns about security, privacy, fair and equal distribution of benefits, potential for abuse and adverse impact on individual rights. Citizens, everywhere, are at risk of being presented with partial or biased information reflecting the viewpoint of their provider. ONTOCHAIN empowers internet innovators to develop trustworthy blockchain-based knowledge management solutions that will be part of a novel software ecosystem. The concept underlying this ecosystem is a better share of knowledge and value on the internet and that for various domains such as health, economy, mobility, public services, energy and sustainability, news, media, entertainment, Industry 4.0, tourism.

Through this second Open Call, up to 12 projects will implement an infrastructure that will host ONTOCHAIN’s trustworthy data, metadata and services, and specific software solutions that can be used widely, further extending the use cases and the architectural features designed by the teams selected through the first Open Call.

Join ONTOCHAIN by submitting a proposal addressing one of the open call topics.

Who can apply: Internet technologists, researchers, developers and innovators.

Applicants can apply as individuals or linked to a legal entity. Hence, the participation is possible in several ways:

  • Team of natural person(s): Team of individuals, all established in any eligible country. This does not consider the country of origin but the residence permit.
  • Legal entity(ies): One or more entities (consortium) established in an eligible country. Universities, research centres, NGOs, foundations, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (see definition of SME according to the Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC), large enterprises working on Internet or/and other related technologies are eligible.
  • Any combination of the above.

Only Applicants legally established/resident in any of the following countries (hereafter collectively identified as the “Eligible Countries”) are eligible:

  • The Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU), including their outermost regions;
  • The Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to the Member States1;
  • H2020 associated countries (those which signed an agreement with the Union as identified in Article 7 of the Horizon 2020 Regulation): according to the updated list published by the EC2;
  • The UK Applicants are eligible under the conditions set by the EC for H2020 participation and as long as they comply with the same eligibility rules as the other Applicants.

The total budget is 1.3 million euro. Participants will get grants of up to 145 thousand euros (funding without equity), free coaching and free access to the best infrastructure (iExec and MyIntelliPatent).

The deadline for submitting your proposal is the 15th September 2021 at 17:00 CEST.

To participate in the ONTOCHAIN call for proposals, please request more information or specific advice from the Malta Business Agency team by filling in the following form.


This article provides general information only and does not replace professional advice in any way. It is recommended to consult a qualified professional before making any important decisions regarding financial, legal or other matters. The author and the publication are not responsible for any errors or damages caused by the use of the information contained in this article.

Giovanni Guarise
Giovanni Guarise
Professional journalist since 2010, over the years as a freelance he has dedicated particular attention to the world of Small and Medium Enterprises, creating in-depth studies and focuses for various newspapers, and collaborating in communication activities for a trade association in Veneto.
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