Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Memorandum of understanding signed between the MACTT Institute of Higher Education in Malta and the Department of Political Science of Vanvitelli University (Italy)

The Institute of Higher Education, Mediterranean Academy of Culture, Technology and Trade (MACTT) of Malta and the Department of Political Science of the University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, are pleased to announce the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the aim of establishing a collaborative partnership.

The agreement aims to foster mutual growth in the international area and to promote research and training in different fields of common interest; on the one hand, the department of the Vanvitelli that will ensure interdisciplinary training and research in the field of Political Science, given that the mission is to equip local communities with the cultural tools necessary to understand and navigate the complexities of contemporary global society. On the other hand, the MACTT, based in Malta, which is a recognized higher education institution, whose institutional mission is the promotion of excellence in the fields of culture, economy, commerce, tourism and new technologies.

According to the memorandum of understanding signed in recent days, the two institutions in the field of education will collaborate in the organization of meetings, workshops, seminars, training courses and conferences on topics of common educational and scientific interest, with particular attention to sectors such as sustainable tourism, environmental law, sustainable economy, trade and international relations,  information technology, distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain applications in various industries.

MACTT and the department will conduct scientific research on the above topics, including the development of project proposals to compete in regional, national and international funding opportunities; encourage scientific research and exchange activities between them; promote cultural and scientific cooperation through the exchange of scientific materials through dedicated digital platforms; finally, they will encourage participation in joint initiatives, such as programmes supported by the European Commission or other relevant organisations, and seek financial resources for infrastructure development, research projects and training programmes.

To facilitate the coordination and effective implementation of the Agreement, a Scientific Committee has been set up. The Committee is composed of representatives of both institutions, including professors Vincenzo Pepe, also appointed president of the same body, and Luigi Colella of the Vanvitelli University, and Vittoria Ponzetta, Director of Studies, and Caterina Passariello, Head of Institute of MACTT.

The programmatic agreement allows the participation of additional public and private entities that can contribute and support the objectives outlined in the same and their involvement will be determined by mutual agreement between the parties.

The Department of Political Science of the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” and Mediterranean Academy of Culture, Technology and Trade (MACTT) are enthusiastic about the prospects of this collaboration and the opportunities it presents to advance research, training and cultural exchange with particular regard to the Mediterranean area. By leveraging each other’s expertise and resources, the parties aim to make a significant contribution in their fields and address the pressing challenges of our global society.

We are thrilled to partner with the esteemed department of the Vanvitelli Univeristy. A synergy in line with our mission to promote excellence in various sectors and, together, we can foster innovation and create meaningful opportunities for students, researchers and professionals. MACTT has planned various academic activities and research initiatives, as well as being involved in conferences, seminars and specialization courses, both locally and internationally“, explains Sergio Passariello, CEO of MACTT, who underlines the value of international cooperation in promoting academic activities.

This collaboration opens up interesting possibilities for interdisciplinary research and knowledge exchange. By joining forces with MACTT, we can improve our educational offering and expand our impact on society” says Francesco Eriberto d’Ippolito, Director of the Department of Political Science.


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