16.3 C
Friday, 26 April 2024



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Transport: Maltese operators challenge current European legislation

Malta calls on Europe to adapt European transport laws to the island’s unique needs for fairer and more inclusive rules.

Assomalta renews its board of directors and relaunches the cooperation project between Italy and Malta

The renewal of Assomalta's board of directors and the expansion of operations between Italy and Malta were announced, with a focus on commercial and cultural collaborations.

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Malta’s 2024 initiative: elevating standards in temping agencies

Malta introduces rigorous new regulations for temping agencies in 2024, targeting ethical employment and curbing abuse of foreign workers.

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Malta and Artificial Intelligence: a global vision in a changing world

Discover how Malta is shaping the future of Artificial Intelligence, as Europe moves closer to adopting the AI Act regulation and the world signs the 'Bletchley Declaration'

Digital Platforms: DAC7, new rules for reporting economic activities.

New DAC7 rules for reporting digital platforms. Increased tax transparency and reporting obligations for operators and sellers.

The CETA Business Network brand has been registered in the European Community

The registration of CETA Business Network's trademark with the European Union Intellectual Property Office provides trademark protection in all EU member countries and Canada, thanks to the CETA free trade agreement.

Crypto-assets: new EU rules to trace transfers, prevent money laundering and protect customers

Discover the Latest EU Rules for Crypto-Assets: Tracing Transfers, Preventing Money Laundering, and Customer Protection. Learn More Here.

MiCA: The New Crypto Regulatory Framework in the European Union and Its Implications for Malta

The EU's MiCA framework aims to establish a harmonized regulatory framework for crypto assets and services, promoting transparency and consumer protection.

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Horizon Europe: new calls for over 290 million euros for digital and space innovation

The European Commission launches Horizon Europe calls with a budget of over €290 million to promote digital, space and industrial innovation.

Creative Europe 2024 Call for Proposals: Funding for Transnational Cultural Projects

The Creative Europe 2024 call for proposals opens, offering funding for transnational cultural projects with a focus on innovation, social inclusion and digitisation. Deadline: 23 January 2024.


transport Malta Europe

Transport: Maltese operators challenge current European legislation

Malta calls on Europe to adapt European transport laws to the island’s unique needs for fairer and more inclusive rules.
Malta Marriott Resort Malta

Marriott International classifies Malta Marriott as a resort property

Discover the luxury and serenity of Malta Marriott Resort, transformed with a €40m renovation, embodying the epitome of Mediterranean hospitality.
Assomalta - Opening of Naples Representative Office

ASSOMALTA strengthens the link between Italy and Malta by opening a representative office in...

Among the objectives of the association, that to make to become the new office of Naples, an operational hub between Italy and Malta, in order to strengthen commercial exchanges and collaborations in the field of the shipping and beyond.

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